Latest version is 2.0.1 (compatible with R v4.2.x)

CaseSolver is a R-program based on EuroForMix for analysing case data.
- Version>=2.0.0 requires euroformix v4.0.0 to run.
- Requires euroformix v3.0.0 or newer to run.
- Version<=1.7.3 requires euroformix v2.0.2 or newer to run.

[1] Ø. Bleka, P. Gill, L. Prieto; CaseSolver: An investigative open source expert system based on EuroForMix; FSI:G, 41;83-92, 2019

Open R and install following packages by running:
install.packages(c("gWidgets2tcltk","forensim","R2HTML","igraph","readxl","plotly","plotrix","officer","flextable","rtf"),dependencies=c("Depends", "Imports"))

Alternative 1:
Open R and "install packages from local file" (download zip-file below).

Alternative 2:
Open R and run:

Run CaseSolver by typing following in R:

Learning materials
Download the tutorial with data below.
YouTube videos:
1 - How to get started

See version change information in the NEWS file at github.

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